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Welcome July 2022

Welcome to July 2022

This month I am briefly focusing on two topics, UV (ultraviolet) Safety and Juvenile Arthritis. As usual, I will not go into great depth but rather just bring your attention to a few health topics. I typically will share a website for you to gather more information on your own.

UV safety

Protecting yourself from the sun is not just a summertime job but an all-year job. UV radiation can reach you even through the clouds and cold weather. There are 3 types of UV light:

UVA- Steady light all day and goes deep into the skin

UVB-Strongest mid-day and doesn’t penetrate as deep as UVA.

UVC-the shortest wavelength and completely absorbed by the ozone layer so this doesn’t reach us on earth.

Short term exposure can lead to suntans and sunburns

Long term exposure can result in premature aging (wrinkles) or cancer.

Eyes can be affected too. Be sure to wear sunglasses with polarization.

How to protect yourself

Avoid the sun as much as possible between 10 A.M and 4 P.M

Consider clothing the covers your arms and legs

Wear a wide brim hat to protect your face, head, ears and neck.

Wear sunglasses, ideally wrap around sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Apply sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) 30 or higher that protects against both UVA and UVB.

Do not use tanning beds.

To learn more than this short post allows please go to

Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile arthritis affects about 1 in every 250 kids in the US (that is about 300,000 kids!)

The most common type of arthritis children get is a long-term condition called juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). (Idiopathic means the origin is not understood).

JIA is a long-term (or chronic) condition that involves joint inflammation. This joint inflammation then can cause joint swelling, stiffness, warmness of joint and decrease of joint motion. The condition can last just a few months, a few years or a lifetime.

There are 7 types of JIA but they all share the same symptoms of joint pain, swelling, warmth and stiffness.

There are other body parts that can be affected by JIA. Eye inflammation, skin changes, fever and growth problems can occur.

As usual I just want to bring this condition to your attention. There is so much more to know about JIA. So, to learn more about JIA please visit the following website.

Hope you have a happy and healthy July.

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